What Type Of Lightbulbs Should I Use?

what type of lightbulbs should I use

With so many different kinds of light bulbs on the market, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself, what type of lightbulbs should I use? Well we have some answers for you.

Incandescent: These are the traditional, inexpensive bulbs that produce a warm, yellowish light that many people find pleasing. They are good for creating a cozy atmosphere but are not very energy efficient, as most of the energy they consume is converted into heat rather than light.

An incandescent lightbulb is a type of electric light that works by heating a filament inside a glass bulb until it glows with visible light. The filament is made of a thin wire of tungsten, which has a very high melting point, allowing it to get extremely hot without melting.

Incandescent bulbs are the most common type of lightbulbs used in homes and businesses around the world. In recent years, many countries have phased out incandescent bulbs in favor of more energy-efficient options such as LED and CFL bulbs.

what type of lightbulbs should I use

LED: LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, and an LED lightbulb is a type of energy-efficient electric lamp that uses a semiconductor device to produce light. Instead of heating a filament like an incandescent bulb, LED bulbs pass an electric current through a solid-state semiconductor material, which emits light because of the movement of electrons. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and longer-lasting than incandescent bulbs. They are available in a range of colors and brightness levels and can be used for general lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting.

LED bulbs have several advantages over other types of bulbs. They are extremely energy-efficient, using up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs and up to 80% less energy than CFL bulbs, which can translate into significant savings on electricity bills over time. They also have a longer lifespan than other types of bulbs, with some LED bulbs lasting up to 25,000 hours or more. LED bulbs are also more durable and resistant to shock and vibration than other types of bulbs.

In addition, LED bulbs are available in a wide range of colors, brightness levels, and shapes, making them versatile for a variety of lighting needs. They are commonly used in homes, businesses, and outdoor lighting applications. While they may cost more than other types of bulbs upfront, their energy efficiency and long lifespan can make them a cost-effective option in the long run.

Halogen: Halogen bulbs are like incandescent bulbs but are more energy-efficient and have a brighter, whiter light. They are good for task lighting and can be used in recessed lighting fixtures.

A halogen lightbulb is a type of incandescent bulb that uses a halogen gas in its construction to increase its efficiency and lifespan. Like traditional incandescent bulbs, halogen bulbs use a tungsten filament, but they also contain a small amount of halogen gas, such as iodine or bromine, inside the bulb.

When the bulb is turned on, the tungsten filament heats up and emits light, but the halogen gas also reacts with the filament to create a chemical reaction that redeposits evaporated tungsten back onto the filament. This cycle of evaporation and redeposition helps to keep the filament from breaking down, which allows the bulb to last longer than a traditional incandescent bulb.

Halogen bulbs also produce a brighter, whiter light than traditional incandescent bulbs and are more efficient, using about 25% less energy for the same amount of light. They are commonly used in task lighting, such as desk lamps, and in outdoor lighting, such as floodlights and security lights. However, they can also get very hot, and caution should be taken when handling them or placing them near flammable materials.

CFL: A compact fluorescent light (CFL) is a type of energy-efficient electric lamp that uses a fluorescent tube to produce light. Like traditional fluorescent lamps, CFLs use an electric current to excite a gas inside a tube, which emits ultraviolet radiation. This radiation then causes a phosphor coating on the inside of the tube to emit visible light.

CFLs are designed to replace traditional incandescent bulbs and can use up to 75% less energy while lasting up to 10 times longer. They also produce less heat than incandescent bulbs, making them a safer option in certain situations.

CFLs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including some that are designed to fit in traditional screw-in light fixtures. They are available in a range of colors, from warm white to cool white, and are suitable for a variety of lighting applications, including general lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting.

One potential downside of CFLs is that they contain a small amount of mercury, which is a toxic substance. While the amount of mercury in a single bulb is relatively small, it is still important to dispose of CFLs properly to prevent mercury from entering the environment. Some countries have implemented recycling programs for CFLs to ensure proper disposal.

Smart Bulbs: A smart lightbulb is a type of lightbulb that can be controlled using a mobile device, voice commands, or other automation technology. Smart bulbs can be connected to a home network via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or another wireless protocol, allowing them to be controlled remotely using a smartphone or other mobile device.

Smart bulbs offer a range of features and functions, depending on the brand and model. Some smart bulbs can be dimmed, change colors, or be programmed to turn on and off automatically based on a schedule or other triggers, such as motion detection. Some also offer integration with popular home automation systems, such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple HomeKit, allowing users to control their lights using voice commands.

Smart bulbs can be a convenient way to control lighting in a home or office, as they offer greater flexibility and customization than traditional lightbulbs. They can also be a more energy-efficient option, as they can be programmed to turn off automatically when no one is in a room or to dim the light during the day when natural light is available. However, they can also be more expensive than traditional bulbs and may require a hub or other additional equipment to function properly.

We’d be happy to discuss your lighting options. Give us a call or book your appointment online today!