by admin | Residential Electrical
From saving the planet to saving on your electricity bill, there are plenty of great reasons to start conserving energy this summer. In the season of full-blast air conditioners, family vacations, and afternoons spent hiding from the unforgiving sun, energy is a hot...
by admin | Residential Electrical
If it’s time for new electrical wiring– or even just a rewire of what’s already there– there are some pretty cool opportunities that arise. Been dreaming of an addition or outdoor remodel? Now might be the perfect time. We’re working on your system, so take advantage...
by admin | Residential Electrical
Sometimes it seems like wiring simply exists to curl up in nast tangles until it resembles nothing so much as a pile of multicolored spaghetti, but in reality wiring issues can make a home or business unsafe. Here’s what’s so important about electrical wiring. What is...