What happened to free estimates?

If you are a current client of CK Electric, you may have noticed some things have changed since your last appointment. Specifically, we have switched to providing estimates over the phone, to be followed up with a hard quote. What’s the difference between an estimate and a quote? Mainly an estimate is exactly that, a ballpark of what the work will cost. A quote is a firm price with a contract behind it.

We strive to provide the best and fastest response times to our valued existing and prospective clients. Part of this involves us asking ourselves hard questions about the best way to serve you, our clients. We want you to understand the rationale behind why we now provide estimate via phone. To be clear, we STILL offer free estimates for every project. However, now that free estimate happens over the phone and is based on information provided by the client.

Here we explain how to get a free estimate and why we don’t need to come onsite anymore for most estimates.

The purpose of an estimate is 2-fold. First, the client wants to know how much a project might cost. Secondly, the client and contractor want to know if the project will be a good fit for them. We value our time and our client’s time and have found that most people prefer having a quick phone call to see if they can check these 2 boxes.

Our goal is flexibility to make a client’s experience with us successful and valuable. If after the initial call it is determined that there are extenuating circumstances that make an onsite visit worthwhile for both parties, then we can move forward with that understanding.

With advancing technology, society has adapted to doing most everything online, over the phone, though an app or social media. We post and share pictures and videos of what we are eating, fun we are having, and everything else under the sun. Is it such a stretch then to provide pictures or video to a contractor and get an estimate over the phone?

Why do we need pictures and video? Pictures and videos paint a picture of any obstacles we may encounter along the way. They provide a look at the panel so we can assess if there are any safety hazards or if there is enough power available for the project.

When you tell us the distance to the panel from where you want the EV charger, for example, we can extrapolate the cost of materials, factor in labor and any obstacles we see and presto, an estimate is provided in minutes over the phone. The alternative can sometimes have a client waiting a week or more to get an electrician on site. An onsite estimate requires the client to be home, meaning they need to rearrange schedules, account for children and pets, work obligations, etc. And all that only to discover the estimate is not in line with the budget or we aren’t a good fit for some other reason. This is disappointing for both parties as we have both now wasted time and energy for no result.

We learned during COVID that this method is preferred by most customers and works very well. CK Electric has been operating for several years and we now have the benefit of experience to inform our phone estimates. Repeatedly doing similar projects gives us a frame of reference and a rather firm grasp on the amount and type of materials needed. Real estate listings can give us accurate square footages and age of homes so we can be aware of any potential hazards like asbestos or unsafe panels used during certain times.

At the end of the day,the client gets the two things they are most interested in, an estimate to do the work and a feel for CK Electric and how we do business. Now the client can make an informed decision without having to disrupt their life to accommodate an on-site visit.

Here are some common objections to the phone estimate:

1. How do you know what materials will cost?
The answer simply is experience and math.

2. How will you know if you’ll need to make holes in my drywall or which way to run the wires?
Unfortunately, drywall holes are a necessary evil associated with electrical work. We need holes to guide our wires with an informed view. We strive to make as few holes as possible, but we will never “blind” drill through walls and studs because you never know what’s lurking and our goal is to make your home better, not create additional damage by nicking a water line or other hidden issue in the wall. At CK Electric, our team is experienced and can gauge which way to run wires based on the roof line and other factors. Providing pictures and videos of ceilings and surrounding areas gives us a clear look at where we need to go.

3. What if you find something you didn’t see in the pictures?
This is always a risk, even with an on-site estimate. We can never fully know what is hiding in our walls, under our feet or over our heads. However, contingencies for such occurrences are built into an estimate but if something shocking pops up during the project, we call a time out and discuss the situation to fully inform the client. We will never proceed with additional work without addressing it with our client.

So, what can you expect when you schedule a phone estimate with CK Electric? In short, a pleasant conversation. One where you and the project coordinator will discuss the overall project. What you want to achieve by completing this project, your time frame to start and finish this project and any questions or concerns about the project you may have. By the end of the conversation our project coordinator will be able to provide you with an estimate for the project, whether we can provide the service in the time frame required and a few options to move forward.